ATS server does not start

The newer versions of Hadoop, including HDP3, use HBase as the backend for the timeline service. You can either use an external HBase or have a system HBase running on Yarn (the default).

When using the system HBase, you could end up with the timeline server up and running, but with an alert (in Ambari) saying:

ATSv2 HBase Application The HBase application reported a ‘STARTED’ state. Check took 2.125s

The direct impact will be that Oozie jobs (among others) will take forever to run, as each step will wait for a timeout from the ATS (Application Timeline Server) before carrying on.

The solution I found to fix this is as follow:

    1. Check your yarn logs (/var/log/hadoop-yarn/yarn/ on hdp) for anything clear to spot, for instance, not enough yarn memory (and then fix it if relevant),
    2. Clean up hdfs ATS data as described on the HDP docs,
    3. Clean up zookeeper ATS data (the example here is for insecure clusters, you will probably have another znode for kerberised clusters): zookeeper-client rmr /atsv2-hbase-unsecure
    4. Restart *all* YARN services,
    5. Restart ambari server (we had a case where it looked like the alert was wrongly cached).
    6. Restart all services on the host where the ATS server lives.

The steps cleaning hdfs and zookeeper will make you lose your ATS history (ie. job names, timing, logs…), but your actual data is perfectly safe, nothing else will be lost.

Variables in Hive

I will here explain how to set and use variables in hive.

How to set a variable

Just use the keyword set

set foo=bar;
set system:foo=bar

Alternatively, for the hiveconf namespace you can set the variable on the command line:

beeline --hiveconf foo=bar

How to use a variable

Wherever you want to use a value, use this syntax instead: ${namespace:variable_name}.  if the namespace is hivevar, it can be ommited. For instance:

select '${hiveconf:foo}', '${system:foo}', '${env:CLASSPATH}', ${bar};

Note that variables will be replaced before anything else happens. This means that this is perfectly valid:

set hivevar:t=employees;
set hivevar:verb=desc;
${verb} ${t};

But this will not do what you expect (hint: you will end up with 4 quotes in your select statement):

set hivevar:s='Hello world';
select '${s}';


Furthermore, it means that you need to take care of your data type. As selecting a bare string is not valid, so is the following code invalid as well:

set hivevar:v=astring;
select ${v};

You will get:

Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10004]: Line 1:7 Invalid table alias or column reference ‘astring’: (possible column names are: ) (state=42000,code=10004)

In our case, you just need to quote the variable.

Note that this would work as-is with an int as a bare int is valid in the select statement.

Another caveat is to make sure the variable exists, otherwise you will either get the variable literal for quoted variables:

select ‘${donotexists}’;
| _c0 |
| ${donotexists} |

Either an unhelpful message for unquoted variables:

> select ${doesnotexist};
Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException line 1:7 cannot recognize input near ‘$’ ‘{‘ ‘hiveconf’ in select clause (state=42000,code=40000)

If you only want to see the value of a variable, you can just use set as well:

set hiveconf:foo;

How to List variables

Just use SET;, but this will output a massive unreadable list. You are better off redirecting this output to a file, e.g.

beeline -e 'SET;' | sed 's/\s\+/ /g'> set.out

Note that I squash the spaces here. As the columns are aligned and some values are very long strings, squashing makes reading much easier.

Then if you want to see a specific set of variables, you can just run:

# system variables
grep '| system:' set.out

# Env variables
grep '| env:' set.out

# other variables
cat set.out | grep -v '| env:' | grep -v '| system:'


Hive has 4 namespaces for variables: hivevar, hiveconf, system and env.


Hivevar is the easiest namespace to use, as you do not need to explicitly mention it when using a variable.

set hivevar:foo=bar;
select "${foo}";


Hiveconf is the namespace used when you use set without explicit namespace or when you give a variable on the command line with –hiveconf foo=bar. Note that you can set those without specifying the namespace, but you always need to specify the namespace when using them.

set foo=bar;
select "${hiveconf:foo}";


This is the namespace of the shell environment variables. You can easily get them with the ${env} prefix:

SELECT "${env:hostname}";

I specifically chose this variable. If you run this query yourself, you will see that it is the environment of the hive server which is used, not the environemnt of your client. This limits a lot the use of environment variables.

Note that environment variables cannot be set.


Those will contain for instance jvm settings, logfile destinations and more.


Count lines of multiple files in hdf

This is a situation often popping up here and there and which I had recently. Given a bunch of files on hdfs, how to get the total line count?

It turns out that there are a lot of options which I will explain here. The goal is to count the lines of all csv files in a a specific directory, $d.

After ll the solution I will show some benchmarking.


The sysadmin way

Set up a fuse mountpoint to hdfs (I always do that, it is very stable, uses no resource and helps for many things) at $mountpoint.

wc -l $mountpoint$d/*.csv | grep total

Easy and sweet, but has the drawback that all data is downloaded locally before being processed.

The dutiful way

We are using hadoop, so let’s use hadoop command line.

hdfs dfs -ls $d/\*.csv | awk '{print $8}' | xargs hdfs dfs -cat | wc -l

Note that this use xargs. If you have too many files you might need to build a loop in, but invoking the hdfs command many times will incur a lot of jvm startup time penalty.

The issue here is as well that all data is downloaded locally.

The old school way

Let’s just use a streaming job:

hdfs hadoop jar $HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME/hadoop-streaming.jar \
     -Dmapred.reduce.tasks=1 \
     -input $d/\*.csv \
     -output /tmp/streamout \
     -mapper "bash -c 'paste <(echo "count") <(wc -l) '" \
     -reducer "bash -c 'cut -f2 | paste -sd+ | bc'"

The only issue with a streaming job is that the output is written in a file on hdfs (the -output parameter) not on stdout.

The tormented soul

Streaming jobs are nice but this bash is ugly and python is cool for data, right?

import sys
for l in sys.stdin:
import sys
for l in sys.stdin:

And then just run.

hadoop jar $HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME/hadoop-streaming.jar \
   -Dmapred.reduce.tasks=1 \
   -input $d/\*.csv \
   -output /tmp/streamout \
   -mapper "/usr/bin/python3 $*" \
   -reducer "/usr/bin/python3 $*"


Hey do not forget about pig!

csvs = LOAD '$d/*.csv';
csvgroup = GROUP csvs ALL;
cnt = FOREACH csvgroup GENERATE COUNT(csvs);
dump cnt;

Run with:

pig cnt.pig


Pyspark is all the rage

print cnt


Ok this was fun, but what works best?

I ran 2 sets of test, one on a directory with a few (~5) big files, one on a directory with many (250) tiny files. I ran the count 10 times for each test, the results are in seconds and lower is better.

Few big files Many small files
Mean Median Stdev Mean Median Stdev
Sysadmin 49.6 46.5 12.17 1 1 0
Dutiful 49.8 46.5 11.71  5.1 5 0.32
Connoisseur 25.7 25 2.31 17.2 17 0.42
Old school 21.5 21.5 0.53 47.7 48 1.06
Tormented 28.3 28 0.82 39.9 39.5 1.1
Hipster 20.2 20 1.03 9.4 9 0.52

A few things are apparent:

  • Different use cases will call for different options,
  • When data is downloaded (sysadmin via the mountpoint or dutiful via hdfs -cat) the variance is higher. Weirdly enough for my tests the both started at about 37 seconds, and increased at every run by 5 seconds to stay stable at 63 seconds,
  • pyspark is the clear winner.

Hadoop metrics in graphite

I will not present graphite here, if you end up reading this I assume you already have a graphite instance up and running. If not it is a matter of less than an hour to have a usable instance.

Hadoop uses metrics2 which allows multiple metrics output plugins to be used in parallel, supports dynamic reconfiguration of metrics plugins, provides metrics filtering, and allows all metrics to be exported via JMX.

Those metrics can be very easily exported to graphite to then be sliced and diced to your heart’s content.

You only need to modify the file by adding the following snippet:

# Sampling period

# Grahite sink class

# Location of your graphite instance

# Define for each metric group (* in *.prefix) how it should be named
# in graphite (part after the =)

In Ambari, just go to HDFS > Config > Advanced, the location for other distributions should be trivial to find.

After that restart hdfs and all relevant services you asked to monitor (if you asked to monitor resourcemanager, restart the resource managers and so on).

That’s it, you’re set.

If you are on HDP, you can go a bit further. HDP actually ships with a grafana instance (if you installed Ambari metrics) which can use graphite a data source. Data will be the same, display will be a tad prettier.

This uses graphite web (port 80 per default) which needs to enable CORS. You can do it in apache (the default graphite web http server) by adding this line in your graphite vhost:

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"


--no options with argparse and python

Ruby has this very nice feature when you define options with optparse:

opts.on('--[no-]flag', "Set flag.") do |p|

which allows you to have the --flag and --no-flag options for free. Python does not have this, but there are a 3 options to go around that.

The verbose way

Just define 2 options.

    help='Set flag',
    help='Unset flag',

Custom action

You can give a custom action to the action parameter of add_argument. This custom action can look at the actual option given and act accordingly.

    '--flag', '--no-flag',
    help='Set flag',

BooleanAction is just a tiny 6 lines class, defined as follow:

class BooleanAction(argparse.Action):
    def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, nargs=None, **kwargs):
        super(BooleanAction, self).__init__(option_strings, dest, nargs=0, **kwargs)

    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
        setattr(namespace, self.dest, False if option_string.startswith('--no') else True)

As you can see, it just looks at the name of the flag, and if it starts with --no, the destination will be set to False.

Custom parser

Create your own add_argument method, which can then automagically add the --no option for you.
First define your own parser:

class BoolArgParse(argparse.ArgumentParser):
    def add_bool_arguments(self, *args, **kw):
        grp = self.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
        # add --flag
        grp.add_argument(*args, action='store_true', **kw)
        nohelp = 'no ' + kw['help']
        del kw['help']
        # add --no-flag
        grp.add_argument('--no-' + args[0][2:], *args[1:], action='store_false', help=nohelp, **kw)

Then use it:

parser = BoolArgParse()
parser.add_bool_arguments('--flag',dest='flag', help='set flag.')


I do not want to say plus and min points as not all use cases want the same features, but there you are:

  • Verbose way:
    • More lines of code (need to define 2 flags),
    • Help more verbose,
    • Easy (no extra class),
    • Possibility to have the same parameter multiple times, the last one wins (eg. --flag --no-flag).
  • Custom action:
    • Less lines of code,
    • Help not verbose (only one line of help),
    • Possibility to have the same parameter multiple times, the last one wins (eg. --flag --no-flag).
  • Custom parser
    • The most lines of codes,
    • Help verbose but grouped,
    • Cannot have the same flag repeated.

Get started with AWs and python

When you start for the first (or even second) time with AWS, it is a bit tricky to get your head around all the bits and bolts than need to be connected together. If on top of this you try to work with AWS in Beijing from outside China, the web GUI makes your work even harder because of slowness or even timeouts.

This scripts set up for you a full set of resources (vpc, route table, security group, subnet, internet gateway, instance with the relevant associations and attachments) for easy testing or bootstrapping of your infrastructure.

It is mostly meant as a testing help, so it does not handle all the options possible, but I find it invaluable to get started. You just need the AWS basics:

and it will do the rest for you. You need to provide a tag name (defaults to ‘roles’) and value, and all resources will be created and located via this tag, to allow for easy spawning and tearing down.

usage: fullspawn.py3 [-h] [--tag TAG] [--up | --down] [--wet | --dry]
 [--ami AMI] [--keypair KEYPAIR] [--profile PROFILE]
 [--instance INSTANCE]

Spawns a full AWS self-contained infrastructure.

positional arguments:
 role Tag value used for marking and fetching resources.

optional arguments:
 -h, --help show this help message and exit
 --tag TAG, -t TAG Tag name used for marking and fetching resources.
 (default: roles)
 --up, -u Creates a full infra. (default: up)
 --down, -d Destroys a full infra. (default: up)
 --wet, -w Actually performs the action. (default: dry)
 --dry Only shows what would be done, not doing anything.
 (default: dry)
 Verbosity level. (default: WARNING)
 --cidr CIDR The network range for the VPC, in CIDR notation. For
 example, (default:
 --ami AMI The AMI id for your instance. (default: ami-33734044)
 --keypair KEYPAIR A keypair aws knows about. (default: yourkey)
 --profile PROFILE Profile to use for credentials. Will use AWS_PROFILE
 environment variable if set. (default: default)
 --instance INSTANCE Instance type. (default: t2.micro)

For instance:

# Let's see what would happen when creating a full infra...
./fullspawn.py3 -t tag --up --dry testing
# Look good let's do it.
./fullspawn.py3 -t tag --up --wet testing
# oops, this was a stupid tag name
./fullspawn.py3 -t tag --down --wet testing

You probably want to have a look at some variables inside the script, setting a few defaults which might not be relevant for you. I am thinking about the ami (AMI), the keypair (KEYPAIR) and the ingress rules (INGRESS) all defined before the argparse calls.

The code is available on github.


Vagrant, hostmanager, virtualbox and aws

No need to present Vagrant if you read this post. Hostmanager is a plugin which manages /etc/hosts on the host and the guests, to have common fqdns and simplify connections to your box. You can for instance set up host manager to make sure that you web development virtual is always accessible at web.local, or make sure that all machines in your virtual cluster can talk to each other with names like, and so on, no matter what DHCP decided what the IP address should be.

This is all and well, but there are a few issues. For instance, with virtualbox and dhcp, hostmanager only finds out as IP for your virtuals, which is not handy to say the least.

If you use aws, you would like the guests to use the private IP, while having the host using the public IP, which is not possible by default.

Luckily, you can write your own IP resolver. The one I give here, which can as well be found on github, solves the following issues:

  • Only for Linux guests (probably other unices as well to be honest, but I cannot guarantee that hostname -I works on all flavours)
  • dhcp and virtualbox
  • public/private IP with aws
$cached_addresses = {}
# There is a bug when using virtualbox/dhcp which makes hostmanager not find
# the proper IP, only the loop one:
# The following custom resolver (for linux guests) is a good workaround.
# Furthermore it handles aws private/public IP.

# A limitation (feature?) is that hostmanager only looks at the current provider.
# This means that if you `up` an aws vm, then a virtualbox vm, all aws ips
# will disappear from your host /etc/hosts.
# To prevent this, apply this patch to your hostmanager plugin (1.6.1), probably
# at $HOME/.vagramt.d/gems/gems or (hopefully) wait for newer versions.
$ip_resolver = proc do |vm, resolving_vm|
  # For aws, we should use private IP on the guests, public IP on the host
  if vm.provider_name == :aws
    if resolving_vm.nil?
      used_name = + '--host'
      used_name = + '--guest'

  if $cached_addresses[used_name].nil?
    if hostname = (vm.ssh_info && vm.ssh_info[:host])

      # getting aws guest ip *for the host*, we want the public IP in that case.
      if vm.provider_name == :aws and resolving_vm.nil?
        vm.communicate.execute('curl') do |type, pubip|
          $cached_addresses[used_name] = pubip

        vm.communicate.execute('uname -o') do |type, uname|
          unless uname.downcase.include?('linux')
            warn("Guest for #{} (#{vm.provider_name}) is not Linux, hostmanager might not find an IP.")

        vm.communicate.execute('hostname --all-ip-addresses') do |type, hostname_i|
          # much easier (but less fun) to work in ruby than sed'ing or perl'ing from shell

          allips = hostname_i.strip().split(' ')
          if vm.provider_name == :virtualbox
            # is the default virtualbox IP in NAT mode.
            allips = { |x| x != ''}

          if allips.size() == 0
            warn("Trying to find out ip for #{} (#{vm.provider_name}), found none useable: #{allips}.")
            if allips.size() > 1
              warn("Trying to find out ip for #{} (#{vm.provider_name}), found too many: #{allips} and I cannot choose cleverly. Will select the first one.")
            $cached_addresses[used_name] = allips[0]

Just put this code in your vagrantfile, outside the Vagrant.configure block, and you can use it by allocating it that way:

config.hostmanager.ip_resolver = $ip_resolver

On a side note, and as explained in the comment, there is a limitation (feature?) in that hostmanager only looks at the current provider. This means that if you up an aws vm, then a virtualbox vm, all aws ips will disappear from your host /etc/hosts.

To prevent this, apply this patch to your hostmanager plugin (1.6.1), probably
at $HOME/.vagramt.d/gems/gems or (hopefully) wait for newer versions.
The patch itself is ridiculously tiny:

diff --git a/lib/vagrant-hostmanager/hosts_file/updater.rb b/lib/vagrant-hostmanager/hosts_file/updater.rb
index 9514508..ef469bf 100644
--- a/lib/vagrant-hostmanager/hosts_file/updater.rb
+++ b/lib/vagrant-hostmanager/hosts_file/updater.rb
@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ module VagrantPlugins
         def update_content(file_content, resolving_machine, include_id)
           id = include_id ? " id: #{read_or_create_id}" : ""
-          header = "## vagrant-hostmanager-start#{id}\n"
-          footer = "## vagrant-hostmanager-end\n"
+          header = "## vagrant-hostmanager-start-#{@provider}#{id}\n"
+          footer = "## vagrant-hostmanager-end-#{@provider}\n"
           body = get_machines
             .map { |machine| get_hosts_file_entry(machine, resolving_machine) }

Restart Mongodb with not enough nodes in a replica set

The context could be a virtualised cluster, where an hypervisor went suddenly down. 2 of your Mongo replicas are unavailable, only 1 is left, which then of course drops back to being secondary and read only.

You want to have this server running alone for a while while the others come back online, as you decide that it is better to have potential small inconsistency instead of not running for a few hours. The thing is that this last server will complain that the rest of the set is not available. To get it started again, you just need to make it forget about the rest of the set.

  1. Switch the service off
    service mongodb stop
  2. Remove the line replSet from your /etc/mongodb.conf
  3. Restart the service
    service mongodb start

    Mongo will complain:

    mongod started without --replSet yet 1 documents are present in local.system.replset
     [initandlisten] ** Restart with --replSet unless you are doing maintenance and no other clients are connected.
     [initandlisten] ** The TTL collection monitor will not start because of this.
     [initandlisten] ** For more info see
  4. Remove the offending document in system.replset from the mongoshell
    // will give you one document back
    // remove all documents (there is only one)
    // check resultset is empty
  5. Restart mongo
    service mongodb stop
    service mongodb start
  6. Once the other nodes are up, add again the replSet line in /etc/mongodb.conf and restart the service.

New puppet apt module, now with better hiera!

The puppet apt module from puppetlabs works great, but has one big issue. You can define sources (and keys, settings and ppas) from hiera, but only your most specific definition will be used by the module, as only the default priority lookup is done. This means a lot of cut & paste if you want to manage apt settings across multiple environments or server roles. This is known, but will not be fixed as it is apparently by design.

Well, this design did not fit me, so I forked the puppetlabs module, updated it to enable proper hiera_hash look up, and published it to the puppet forge. There is no more difference with the original, but it does simplify my life a lot. Now if you define multiple sources in your hierarchy, for instance at datacenter level:

   location: ''
   release: '%{::lsbdistcodename}'
   repos: 'main contrib non-free'

and at server level:

    location: ''
    repos: 'main'
      id: '47B320EB4C7C375AA9DAE1A01054B7A24BD6EC30'
      server: ''

you will nicely have both sources in sources.list.d, instead of only having the one defined at server level.

You can find the source on github, and can download the module from the puppet forge. Installing it is as simple as:

puppet module install lomignet-apt

Puppet error messages and solutions

This is a collection of error messages I got while setting up a puppet infrastructure and testing modules, as well as their reasons ans solutions.

Failed to load library ‘msgpack’


On an agent:

Debug: Failed to load library 'msgpack' for feature 'msgpack'
Debug: Puppet::Network::Format[msgpack]: feature msgpack is missing

on the master:

Debug: Puppet::Network::Format[msgpack]: feature msgpack is missing
Debug: file_metadata supports formats: pson b64_zlib_yaml yaml raw


This happens when you run puppet agent, for instance.


msgpack is an efficient serialisation format. Puppet uses is (experimentally) when communicating between master and agent. This format requires a gem, which if not installed will give this debug message. This is completely harmless, it just pollutes your logs.


Just install the msgpack ruby gem. Depending on your system, you can

#debian based:
apt-get install ruby-msgpack
gem install msgpack

This immediately removes the debug messages. To actually use msgpack, you need to add in the [main] or [agent] section of puppet.conf the line:

preferred_serialization_format =  msgpack

Could not retrieve information from environment


Error: /File[/var/lib/puppet/facts.d]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from environment $yourenvironment source(s) puppet://localhost/pluginfacts


Puppet agent run.


If no module has a facts.d folder, puppet will throw this error. This is an actual bug in puppet, at least version 3.7.3.


Option 1: Just discard. This is shown as an error, but has no impact and the run will carry on uninterrupted.

Option 2: actually create a facts.d folder in a module.

Could not find data item classes in any Hiera data file


Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not find data item classes in any Hiera data file and no default supplied on node


Your puppet tests were all working fine from vagrant. You just installed a puppet master and the first agent run gives you this error.


Check your hiera.yaml file (in /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml, /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml or pointed by hiera_config from your puppet.conf). There is a :datadir section, telling puppet where to find hiera data. If the path there is absolute, then it should directly point to the directory. If it is relative, then it works only under vagrant and is based on puppet.working_dir.


Many options are possible.

  • Use a common absolute path everywhere.
  • Put the directory, maybe via a link, in its default location.
  • Puppet can interpolate variables when reading datadir, so if your issue is due to different environments, you could use a path like

Note that if you change hiera.yaml, you need to reload the puppet master as hiera.yaml is only read at startup.

No such file or directory @ dir_s_rmdir


Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Failed when searching for node $nodename: No such file or directory @ dir_s_rmdir - /var/puppet/hiera/node/$nodename.yaml20150812-5415-1802nxn.lock


Puppet agent run


  1. Puppet master tries to create a file in a directory he does not own, and has thus no permission.
  2. Puppet tries to create a file or directory whereas the parent does not exists.
  3. The partition where puppet tries to create a lock file is full.


  1. With the path given in the example error message:
    chown -R puppet:puppet /var/puppet/hiera
  2. Make sure the parent is created in the manifest as well

This ‘if’ statement is not productive


 This 'if' statement is not productive.

followed by some more explnation depending on the context.


Puppet agent run


Puppet does not want to leave alone, and pretends to know better than me. I might want to have a if (false) {…} or if (condition) {empty block} for whatever reasons, but no, puppet very violently and rudely bails out. There is a bug discussion about it as well as a fix to change the wording, but the behaviour will stay.


Comment out what puppet does not like.

sslv3 alert certificate revoked or certificate verify failed


SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server session ticket A: sslv3 alert certificate revoked


Wrapped exception:
SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=unknown state: certificate verify failed: [self signed certificate in certificate chain for /CN=Puppet CA:]


Puppet agent run


You probably revoked or clean certificates on the puppet master, but did not inform the agent about it. or maybe you are now pointing to a new puppetmaster.


You can fix this by cleaning the agent as well:

sudo rm -r /etc/puppet/ssl
sudo rm -r /var/lib/puppet/ssl